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Why Eating Healthy is Not Working For You and How to Fix It

Why Eating Healthy is Not Working For You and How to Fix It

Eating healthy can be very frustrating and challenging.

If you are wondering why you can’t get the results you want, then this post is for you.

Here are five reasons why you might be struggling and what to do about it.

1. You are not honest with yourself.

If you are struggling to eat healthier, you have to ask yourself,

Why do you turn to foods that you know are not good for your body?

You might be thinking; the answer is something along the lines of:

“Because they taste amazing Nory, Duh!”

But in reality, it is not as simple. We turn to food for many reasons, and believe it or not; most have to do with how food makes us feel. For example, in my case, food made me feel comfortable and in control.

When my life was literally upside down, and I was battling depression, food was my safe space. It was easy to avoid the root of the problem because food made me feel better.

If you are going to take control of your unhealthy eating habits, you have to look at “why” you run to unhealthy foods.

You have to understand that food is not the source of your problems. Unhealthy foods and weight gain are ways your problems manifest themselves.

Eating unhealthy foods is our coping mechanism.

That’s why to turn things around you have to spend time with yourself and figure out what “issues” you are avoiding when you run to unhealthy foods. Once you identify the “why” then you can focus on facing the root of your unhealthy relationship with food.

Only then you can start healing.

2. You are relying on willpower and not “the process.”

We all fall victims to this at some point in our journey.

You think to yourself,

“I need to be stronger.”

“I need to be more disciplined.”

I need to stop eating *insert unhealthy food here*.”

You have to start working smarter and not harder.

The answer to eating healthier is not starving yourself or depriving your body. You have to give your body time to adjust and get used to the new lifestyle you’ve decided to live.

You need to understand that this won’t happen overnight.

Focus on eating more whole foods, eating less processed foods and make your transition a slow but steady process.

This is a marathon, not a sprint.

You might want to see results fast, but that mindset will only bring you short term results. If you want long lasting results, you need to be patient and move at your own pace. Do not worry about anyone else; you should be your only competition.

With every meal commit to eating a little healthier.

If today you had 2 cans of soda, try to drink 1.5 or 1 can tomorrow. You cannot cheat your body, if you do too much too fast, your journey will be more challenging.

3. You are not eating the right foods.

Your meals should only include items from 6 food groups.

  • Fruits,
  • Vegetables,
  • Grains,
  • Protein,
  • Dairy,
  • Oils.

Let’s go over each food group and some of their benefits per the United States Department of Agriculture.

Fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals; they are also linked to reducing the risk of chronic disease like asthma, diabetes (I & II) and heart failure just to name a few. Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories.

You’ve heard that vegetables are good for you, but why? People who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.

Grains are an important source of many nutrients, including dietary fiber, several B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate), and minerals (iron, magnesium, and selenium).

A healthy variety of protein will improve your nutrient intake and your health benefits. Foods in the meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and seed group provide nutrients that are vital for health and maintenance of your body. However, choosing foods from this group that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol may have health implications. So be careful.

Consuming dairy products provides health benefits – especially improved bone health. Foods in the Dairy Group provide nutrients that are vital for health and maintenance of your body. These nutrients include calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein.

Oils are not a food group, but they do provide essential nutrients and are therefore included in USDA recommendations for what to eat. Note that only small amounts of oils are recommended.

Most of the fats you eat should be polyunsaturated (PUFA) or monounsaturated (MUFA) fats. Oils are the major source of MUFAs and PUFAs in the diet. PUFAs contain some fatty acids that are necessary for health – called “essential fatty acids.”

You should know that depending on your diet you may or may not consume one of the food groups mentioned above. If you decide to cut a certain food group of your diet, make sure you research substitutions for the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in that particular food group.

4. You are not eating enough of the right foods.

Now that you know which food groups you need to focus on when putting your meals together, let’s review how much of these foods you should be eating.

You have heard that portion control is crucial if you want to eat healthier. But how do you know what is the right amount of food you need?

We will go over each section.

The amount of fruit you need to eat depends on age, sex, and your level of physical activity.


If you are a woman between 19-30 years old, you should have 2 cups of fruits per day. If you are a woman over 31 should have 1.5 cups of fruits per day.


If you are a woman between 19 – 50 years old your recommended amount is 2.5 cups of vegetables per day, and if you are a woman over 51 years old, you should have 2 cups per day.

*Grains: Most Americans consume enough grains, but few are whole grains. At least half of all the grains you eat should be whole grains.

If you are a woman between 19 – 50 years old your recommended amount is the equivalent to 6 ounces per day. If you are a woman over 51 years old your recommended amount is equal to 5 ounces per day.

*Protein: Most Americans eat enough food from this group, but need to make leaner and more varied selections of these foods.

If you are a woman between 19 – 30 years old your recommended amount is 5.5 ounces per day. If you are a woman older than 31 years old, your recommended daily intake is 5 ounces.


If you are a woman over 19 years old your recommended daily intake is about is 3 cups.


If you are a woman over 19 years old your recommended daily intake is 5-6 teaspoons.

*These amounts are appropriate for individuals who get less than 30 minutes per day of moderate physical activity, beyond normal daily activities. Those who are more physically active may be able to consume more while staying within calorie needs.

5. You do not have the right plan in place.

Healthy eating just doesn’t happen to you. It is something you have to plan for, like a vacation. Most of us fail because we do not plan for the health we want.

We leave the majority of our success to chance.

If you want to succeed, you’re going to have to take control of your situation and commit to getting what you want.

If you’re open to it, I’d love to help! Click on the link below.

Let’s figure out if we’re a good fit for each other!

Apply for a free strategy session to get started.

PS: If you found this post helpful please share it on Facebook or with a friend that needs this information. Sharing is caring 🙂

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

Learn How to Save Time and Money at the Grocery Store

Learn How to Save Time and Money at the Grocery Store

Are you tired of spending too much time and money at the grocery store?

No matter how hard you try, when you look at your bill, you cannot understand how a quick trip turned into a shopping spree.

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.

The grocery store can be an overwhelming place. It is designed to make you want to buy things, YOU DON’T NEED. The quicker you understand this, the quicker you will cut back on the time you spend at the grocery store and enjoy some savings ($).

So how can you successfully avoid spending your entire day and all your money at the grocery store?

Here are five simple things you can do to stay in control the next time you visit the grocery store.

1. Eat a Snack

Before you leave your house, make sure you have a snack. You do not want to go to the grocery store hungry.

When we are hungry, we think with our stomach, not our brain (LOL seriously, that’s how I feel). If you go to the store hungry, you are more likely to buy items out of both impulse and hunger, not out of necessity.

2. Avoid the Following Three Isles

Bread Isle: This isle is tricky because it usually includes nut butter. Get in and get out. If bread is one of your triggers and you know you can’t say no, have someone else at the grocery store get the butter you need (peanut butter, almond butter, etc.).

Find out the delivery day for your supermarket, and go the following morning.

The grocery store staff are happy to help, so they say. If you must have some bread, Ezekiel bread is a good alternative because it is made of organic grains instead of bleached flour.

Sweets: Just don’t. There is nothing you need on this line. NOTHING. Keep it moving and stay away from all this processed sugar.

If you are craving for something sweet, you can always get more fruits. If you are in the process of weeding yourself, try to focus on minimizing the amount of processed sweets you buy.

Try your best to avoid this aisle like the plague.

Did you know Hershey’s chocolate can cause laxative effects? This is listed on their label. Another reason why reading those label is very important.

Sodas and juices: I know you might not be happy about this one, but this is for your own good. Leave the sugary drinks alone. This also includes some of your favorite juices.

A lot of people buy juice because they think it is healthier than sodas (or pop depending on where you are from), but the reality is you can’t substitute one for the other. Both of these drinks have a lot of processed sugar and a whole lot of other “stuff.”

You have to remember to read those labels. Here are two labels to put things in perspective. Just look at the ingredients list, and you tell me what you think about that endless list of code names for processed sugar.

Fix your juice craving by making freshly squeezed juice or drink infused water.

3. Do Most of Your Shopping in the Produce Section

You are what you eat. Follow the 80 / 20 rule and purchase 80% of your food in the produce aisle. This way you will be able to easily avoid the isles mentioned above. Plus, your body will thank you for that. The beauty of produce is that they are overwhelmingly not processed.

If you are wondering what should do about organic vs. non-organic, the answer is a little tricky. If your budget allows it, feel free to buy organic products, if not, just focus on eating more produce.

The most important part of this process is that you start where you at. When I began this journey, I did not worry about what I couldn’t do; I focused on what I could afford and control. I spent a lot of time making small changes, moving at my own pace, and over time it helped me get to where I am today.

4. Go in the Morning

The early bird gets the worm, right? Sure. I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that going to the grocery store early in the morning is a game changer.

Find out what day the store receives its delivery each week, and go the following morning. This way you can get fresh products and get your day started.

If you cannot go in the morning, try your hardest to go in the afternoon the day after your local grocery store received the deliveries.

5. Have a Plan

This is the most important element of grocery shopping like a boss. Before you leave your house, write down everything you need to get. Go through your recipes and make sure you do not forget anything.

Then make sure you stick to your list. This what it comes down to. This part of the process will teach you to start saying no. No to products, no to the kids, no to your partner and no to yourself. These are the changes you have to start making to help you eat healthier.

We all know this is not easy. That is why you should be open to compromise. As you start making healthier decisions around what you eat, be gentle with yourself.

Understand that change won’t come overnight, some days you will be frustrated and others you will feel unstoppable. And that’s ok! It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it.

Can you do me a quick favor?

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Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

Good Morning Washington: Meal Prep for a Week Under $50

Good Morning Washington: Meal Prep for a Week Under $50

Have you ever felt that eating healthy is too expensive?

You want to commit to making healthier changes, but your budget doesn’t allow you succeed.

What if I told you, that eating healthy on a budget is not as hard as you think it is.

Using the tips in this blog post you will learn how to repurpose your ingredients to help you eat healthy on a budget.

I recently had the opportunity to be the guest at WJLA Good Morning Washington for Meal Prep 101 to discuss how to meal prep for a week under $50.

If you want to watch the segment, scroll to the bottom of the post 🙂

So if you think eating healthy on a budget is impossible, you are in for a pleasant surprise.

Using a list of multidimensional ingredients (like the one above) you can create a variety of healthy meals and snacks for a whole week that will keep your taste buds in a happy place.  If you are the type of person who gets bored easily, this post is for you.

First, let’s talk about why repurposing is helpful.

Have you ever gotten bored with your food mid week?

If you’ve been in this situation before, you know how annoying it can be and more importantly how much it can hurt your budget. Repurposing allows you the freedom to change your menu in the middle of the week to keep your meals and snacks exciting.

The key to doing this successfully is to meal prep basic ingredients like grains, proteins, meats, and legumes in advanced. Make sure you keep your basic ingredients in separate containers, this will help you re-use them later in a different way.

At the middle of the week, you can assess all your ingredients and mix up your menu before getting bored. For the segment on Good Morning Washington, I focused on a mix of 6 dishes you can repurpose during the week.

Spicy Roasted Chickpeas

This snack is a great replacement for popcorn. You can use canned or raw chickpeas (you will have to cook them first). Simply season them with your favorite spices, and pop them in the oven. These are great for meal prepping because they preserve really well over time. You can eat them on their own, or you can add them to your salads.

If you do not roast all your chickpeas, you can use the rest to make hummus!

Quinoa Salad

Quinoa is a great grain to use because it is neutral in flavor and you can eat it cold or hot. For this dish, you can use cold quinoa with bell peppers, sea salt, cucumbers, cilantro, mint, and lime to create a delicious Mediterranean-style salad.

To make sure your salad is fresh you should only mix your ingredients when you are ready to eat them.

Mason Jar Breakfast

Mason jars are a great tool for meal prepping and preserving your food because they are airtight containers. You can use your favorite oatmeal, for this option I used steel cut oats because they are significantly less processed than other oats. You can eat it cold or hot and pair it with your favorite fruits.

You can also use your steel cut oats in your smoothies!

Turkey Burrito Bowl

This deconstructed turkey bowl burrito is a great example of what you can do by combining your basic ingredients. The great part about this method is that you are in control. You decide how much you want to include and what ingredients you want to focus on. This is a great option especially if you need variety.

You can turn your turkey burrito bowls into an awesome chili!

Avocado, Strawberry and Cucumber Salad

This salad is everything. If you are a sugar addict like myself (no judgment here), you will love this salad. It has the perfect hint of natural sugar, with a yummy healthy fat like avocado and the cucumbers bring it all together.

The best part?

You can eat each ingredient individually and then mix them together for a refreshing and filling snack.

Chunky Mango Salsa

You will love this salad. It is my absolute favorite. You can add this to any dish and it will taste amazing. Mangos are juicy, sweet and have a great texture. Add some onions for flavor and crunch, add cilantro and mint to make sure it is fresh and flavorful, and a lime to bring it all together. You can use a little sea salt and cumin as well.

You can add your mango salsa to your quinoa salad and the turkey burrito bowl!

Click on the photo below to check out the full segment below!

If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends and loved ones.

Do not keep all these savings tips to yourself!

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

How to Control Your Sugar Cravings Once and For all

How to Control Your Sugar Cravings Once and For all

You know sugar is bad for you.

Or so you’ve heard.

You know it will keep you from reaching your fitness goals.

At the same time, you love sugar because let’s face it; sugar is delicious.

But it doesn’t mean that you can’t control your sugar cravings.

Today you will learn how to take back control and show your sugar cravings who is the boss once and for all, without feeling overwhelmed or deprived.

Did you know that 80% of food items in U.S. grocery stores are spiked with added sugar?


The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends having no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day, however, in the United States, the average woman consumes about 15 teaspoons of added sugar each day. That’s more than double the recommended amount.

Most of the sugar we consume comes from ice cream, yogurt, sugar-sweetened drinks, sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, and juice drinks.


Is sugar bad for you?

It is not so much about sugar being “good” or “bad.”

Things can get a little confusing, so let’s break it down.

First, you should understand that there are different types of sugars. To keep things simple, you should focus on natural sugars and added/processed/refined sugars.

Natural sugars are found in whole, unprocessed foods, like fruits, vegetables, and dairy. These are the sugars in your apples, oranges, bananas, and cheese.

Two names you should become familiar with: Fructose and Lactose. Fructose is a natural sugar found in fruit. Lactose is a natural sugar found in animal dairy products.


Added sugars are sugars and syrups that are added to foods or beverages when they are processed or prepared. Cakes, cookies, pies and ice cream all have added sugars.

Eating and drinking too much added sugar could lead to tooth decay, obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain just to name a few.

The most important thing you need to know is that your body breaks down natural sugars and added sugars in different ways. Natural sugars have “good stuff” like vitamins, antioxidants, and water.

Whole fruits have a lot of fiber, which slows down your body’s digestion of sugar and helps you avoid a sugar crash. Added sugars in the other hand, have little to no nutritional value.


What does this mean to you?

You have to understand that not all sugar is bad sugar. Remember the “good stuff” in fruits I mentioned earlier? The vitamins, antioxidants, water, and fiber? They will be your best allies in curbing your sugar cravings.

You see, I am a sugar addict/stress eater.

Seriously I am.

That was my biggest challenge when I decided to start eating healthier. Cookies, ice cream, cakes, cupcakes, you name it! My favorite ice-cream is Dulce De Leche by Häagen-Dazs. I could eat a 14 oz pint in one sitting. Don’t judge me.

But just like you, I knew I had to cut back, the question was how?

It turns out that when you start paying attention to the kinds of sugars you eat, it gets easier to eat less of them, and you get better at making healthier substitutions. That’s how I was able to cut back on the Häagen-Dazs ice cream I love so much.

Despite what some people say, the answer to controlling your sugar cravings is not going cold turkey because it is not sustainable.

Trust me.

I’ve tried it.

Some people can do that, but if you are anything like me, you need a little more work. You have to slowly cut back on your added sugar intake and replace them with healthier natural sugar substitutes.

The best part about this method is that you make all the decisions. You determine how much you want to cut back and how fast you want to do it. If you notice that you are moving too fast, you can adjust to stay in the right direction and not overwhelm yourself.

It is perfectly ok to take your time. It is a marathon, not a sprint.


What if your body has to have it?

Then, have it, and enjoy it.

The worst thing you can do is deprive yourself and feel ashamed for eating something you want.

If you’ve tried your best and you still feel that you need it, then eat it or drink it.

If you do not eat it, you might end up binging. It is better that you enjoy one cupcake than eating a dozen because you deprived yourself.

I am pretty sure, that’s how I finished some of those Dulce De Leche ice creams. I felt that I earned them. Even though in the end, I did not feel better, and usually hated myself for eating it.


If you cut back on added sugars, if you focus on eating more natural sugars from fruits and veggies, your cravings will become easier to manage.

The goal should not be to stop all cravings. As you get started, you should focus on being more in control.

After being on this journey for almost a decade, I still have to remind my cravings I am the boss. Some days are harder than others, but it has become easier to do. As you start making healthier adjustments, your body will naturally crave less sugar.

All you have to do is get started, take your time and be patient.


Are you ready?

I’ve put together a helpful guide to teach you how to spot added sugars in the products you feed yourself and your family. I’ve also included a list of over 50 code names for sugar you need to know.

The cheat sheet is titled A Beginners “Cheat Sheet” For Reading and Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label!

You can get instant access by clicking here.

If you already have the cheat sheet, please share this post with your family and friends!

Unleash Your Best Self + Live A Life of Ease!

Master a life full of ease surrounded by ICONS committed to being the best version of themselves with joy, fun and enthusiasm.

Delicious Cantaloupe Sorbet Recipe Using Only 4 Ingredients!


Are you looking for a delicious and healthy substitute for ice-cream?

Would you like to enjoy a sweet dessert without feeling guilty or ashamed?

If so, then you are in the right place.

This yummy and healthy sorbet will help you enjoy a tasty snack without worrying about calories and processed sugars.

The best part? You can make this sorbet using only four ingredients.

What is a sorbet anyways?



Simple answer: Sorbets are frozen fruits mixed with sugar without any dairy. Apparently, restaurants use them to cleanse your palette. You should think of them as vegan ice-creams.

Since the key ingredients are fruits and sugar let’s talk about how to use these ingredients in a healthy way.

Finding the Right Fruit



In a sorbet, the fruit or fruits (you can mix it up!), act as your base. You can use any fruit you like, but I’ve learned that some fruits work better than others. Some of my favorites are cantaloupes, mangos, peaches, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and bananas.

You can buy the fruits fresh and freeze them at home or you can buy them frozen. Pick the option that works for you.

Buying fresh fruits is usually cheaper, but the process will take longer.



For today’s post, we will be using a cantaloupe. Cantaloupes are great because they have a very meaty texture, so using one cantaloupe will give you a decent amount of sorbet. Also, they can get very sweet to the point that you do not need to add a lot of sugar if any at all.

Quick note: The best way to pick your cantaloupe is to smell the end opposite to the stem area. Raise the fruit so that the button is just under your nose and take a good sniff. You are looking for a sweet aroma. If you do not get a scent, then your cantaloupe is not ripe.

What If You Need Sugar?



Sugar is truly optional. If you are a sugar addict like me and need a little extra sweetness, agave will do the trick. Agave comes from a plant in Mexico.

The nectar made from the plant is known in Mexico as aguamiel, or “honey water.” Agave is believed to be a healthier sweetener because its lower glycemic index helps protect against health risks associated with higher glycemic sweeteners.

If you buy agave, make sure you buy raw agave, it is the healthiest version.



Agave is very sweet, so you will not need to use that much in comparison to white sugars.

Let me remind you that sugar is optional and you can make your sorbet without it, but if you absolutely need it, this is a good alternative.

The Answer is Water



You might find that when you begin blending your frozen fruits they might be hard to breakdown depending on your blender. I recommend you use a little water to help break them down. For this recipe, I used about 2 oz. It keeps the recipe healthy and avoids added sugars.

Once again this ingredient is optional and it depends on your blender.

You can also use water to reduce the sweetness of your fruit if you are into that!

Adding Other Ingredients



You will notice that this recipe includes limes. I love limes, and how they blend with fruits. As you play around with your own sorbet recipes, you can try blending your fruits with fresh flavors like limes, lemons, and even cilantro. It is your world!!

You can top your sorbet with nuts or seeds, here I used walnuts.

I hope that this post taught you how to make a sorbet that is both nutritious and delicious.

If you found it useful or if you know someone who would enjoy it, please share it with them. After all, sharing is caring 🙂

Cantaloupe Sorbet

  • 1 cantaloupe ripe
  • 1 lime
  • 1.5 tbsp of agave
  • 2 oz of water (optional)
  1. Clean and cut your melon into small to medium size chunks

  2. Using parchment paper layer your chunks on a baking sheet or a container. 

  3. Cover it with saran wrap and place it in the freezer for a minimum of six hours.

  4. Remove your chunks from the freezer and put them in a blender or food processor.

  5. Add your freshly squeezed lime, 1.5 tbsp of agave to the blender and mix until you achieve the desired consistency. Feel free to use the water if needed.

  6. Once you achieved your desired consistency, move your sorbet to a container and place it back in the freezer for a minimum of 2 hours. Make sure you cover it with saran wrap.

  7. When ready, scoop, add your favorite toppings (I used ginger powder and walnuts), drizzle a little agave and enjoy.

The Lazy and Easy Way to Drink More Water You’ll Love


Do you hate drinking water?

You wished you could drink more water but you can’t get over its bland and boring taste.

Everywhere you turn you read about the benefits of drinking more water and how important it is not only to lose weight but also to live healthier, but you still struggle to drink it.

If that sounds anything like you, then this post is for you.

Believe it or not, the amount of water you drink will impact how your body feels, how much weight you lose, and how much energy you have. Water is kinda of a big deal.

Drinking more water is beneficial to your health and something that you can work on it every single day for FREE.

I will never forget when my cousin, who is also a nutritionist, asked me to track my water intake. The results were shocking. Long story short, I wasn’t drinking anywhere near the recommended amount. Experts recommend that you drink at least 50% of your body weight in ounces of water.

For example, if you weight 150 lbs your minimum recommended amount is 75 ounces per day. My recommended amount was 80 oz of water, but I barely made it to 40 oz.

Using recipes to infuse water like the ones below, my new daily water intake has skyrocketed to over 100 oz per day!

You’ll learn that infusing Agua with your favorite fruits and spices is a game changer when it comes to flavor. These flavor packed recipes are great to get you started without feeling overwhelmed and juice deprived.


Mojito Water

Who doesn’t love a yummy mojito? This infused water recipe using mint and lots of lime (do not hold back!) is the perfect combination for a delicious drink, with no hangover. This is perfect for the summer. It will help you drink more water and help you stay hydrated. Photo and recipe: Rebecca Hubbell / Sugar & Soul

cardamom-rose- infused-water-recipe

Cardamom Rose Water

If you’ve been thinking about blending your water with flowers, this is the perfect time and recipe to do it. This therapeutic combination will transport you to a spa and have you feeling completely relaxed.  Drink a glass of this infused water recipe, and you can skip the morning tea with all the extra sugar. Great way to reduce added sugars from your diet. Photo and recipe: Sue Moran / The View from the Great Island


Strawberry Mint Water

You love strawberries, and you love mint, mix them together, and you have a party of flavors! Great for personal use or your next get together, your guests will be pleasantly surprised at how delicious their water tastes. Just slice your strawberries and add fresh mint leaves and let it do its magic. Photo: Kylie Chevalier; Recipe: Ally / Inspired by This


Watermelon Basil Water

What is there not to love about this recipe. Watermelon is the ultimate summer fruit. No water what season it is, drinking watermelon infused water will make you feel like you are on a beach and the sand is caressing your feet. We all know basil is refreshing, that’s why it is great for this infused water recipe. The sweetness of the watermelon is all you need to drink more water. Photo and recipe: Natasha Kravchuk / Natasha’s Kitchen


Pear Vanilla Water

If you know anything about me, you know I love ginger and cinnamon. Grandma used to always make ginger and cinnamon tea because she believed it cured everything LOL! Ginger helps improve digestion and cinnamon has a very soothing effect. Once you add the sweetness of the pears, you have a match made in heaven. Great way to infuse water with spices. Photo and recipe: Beth Manos Brickey / Tasty Yummies


Blackberry Mint Water

The key to this refreshing recipe is time! The longer you let this combination sit, the better. Once you are ready to drink it, your senses will love this sweet and tart yet still refreshing blend. Do not forget that berries are rich in antioxidants so this is a win-win for sure. What a great way to drink more water. Photo and recipe: Katie Enzenberger / The Casual Craftlete


Rainbow Citrus Water

If you love citrus, this recipe is for you. Grab the oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes and have a party. You can get as creative as you want and add all the fruits your heart desires. Bonus: This infused water looks very pretty! Photo and recipe: Kelly Roenicke / The Pretty Bee


Citrus Mint Water

Grab thick slices of yummy and antioxidant power fruit, grapefruit and pair with refreshing cucumbers and mint. This infused water combination will not only hydrate you, but it will also kick your immune system into high gear! Another great example of drinking more water helps your body. Photo and recipe: Leigh Ann Chatagnier / My Diary of Us


Blueberry Orange Water

This is the perfect infused water recipe for a day in the park. Blueberries and oranges are already amazing on their own and are perfect for travel. While they might seem like an odd pair, I promise you it is worth the try! Photo and Recipe: Peachy Adarne / The Peach Kitchen

Ginger Peach Water

You already know ginger has awesome digestion fighting power, adding the peach makes this blend even more delicious. The peaches are a great balance to the spicy taste ginger brings to the table. Photo and recipe: Sarah Ehlinger / Very Sari

If you found this post helpful please share it with your family and friends 🙂 on facebook or twitter. 

How To Lose 8 Inches in 14 Days Using This Amazing Vegan Detox

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been doing my vegan detox in preparation for the IAHF Detox Challenge. If you want to know what I did keep reading, but first I want to share my amazing results.

Since I started my 14-day detox I’ve lost between 6 – 8 inches all over my body. This is in large due to focusing on what I eat. Before you run to the gym, you should take some time to figure out ways to eat healthier during the day.

Yenory’s results after the 14 day detox!

Honestly, I did not start exercising until day seven of my detox and only worked-out four times a week for about 30 minutes. My workout routine was simply to keep me moving.

I wanted to focus on food because eating clean is at the core of healthy living and the key to taking control of your weight.

In my post “4 Reasons That Will Make You Go Vegan,” I talk about how veganism really helps with sleeping. That’s why it was no surprise that since detoxing, I am sleeping much better.

Recently I’ve been struggling with my sleeping patterns. You know life is happening, I am stressed, worrying too much about things I can’t control, I haven’t been in the right mental space. Since going vegan, my sleep has gotten much better. I sleep the whole night (6 – 7 hours) and my body is awake and ready to go for our daily 5 am wake-up call. Yes, I wake up at 5 am, LOL!

Before I began my detox, I was not drinking enough water. Don’t ask me why, I am usually good with that stuff. But for some reason I couldn’t get it done. Since substituting all my drinks with water, I am back on it.

One technique that has really helped me, is attaching my water intake to certain times during the day.

For example, I try to drink at least 50oz of water before noon, which is roughly 6 glasses of water. You do not have to start there, find your sweet spot and stay consistent.

Infused water is a great way to stay hydrated.

Experts say that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day. For example, if you weight 140 pounds, you should drink 70oz of water everyday. I aim for 100oz because the more water you drink, the better your body feels. Once again, you do not have to start at 100 oz, start with the recommended amount based on how much you weight.

What’s so bad about alcohol?

Before starting the challenge, I was drankin’ A LOT! It wasn’t every day (mainly on weekends) but it was definitely more than the recommended two glasses (as if we measure wine lol). This was part of the reason I had to detox.

I remember getting back to DC after thanksgiving break and feeling sluggish and heavy. Even though holidays are for enjoying yourself, I did too much too fast and my body did not like it.

According to an article published on Women’s Health Magazine, “Too much booze can deplete you of the nutrient B12, which can lead to fatigue and, in extreme cases, light-headedness and confusion”. This explains why having a bad hangover goes hand in hand with sleeping all day.

Source: Wine Enthusiat

Alcohol also ruins your sleep.

“We know it sounds counterintuitive since a glass of wine tends to chill you out enough to fall right to sleep, but you won’t actually get quality rest with alcohol. Booze reduces REM sleep, and without it, you’ll feel like you never got any shuteye at all”, Women’s Health Magazine.

That explains why I was not sleeping well, even on weekends.

In my piece, “5 Reasons Why Your Detox Is Not Working: And How To Fix It!” I covered why detoxes are good for your body. Specifically, how taking things out of your diet, really help your body detox on its own faster. The issue is that we often over work our organs by eating too many unhealthy foods. That’s why cutting alcohol is so important, because you give your liver and other organs the time they need to fix your unhealthy behaviors.

I love packing my snacks when I travel. It saves money and avoids Hangry episodes!

The past 14 days have not been easy. I’ve been tempted to eat unhealthy things everyday, but I stick to my goals by being prepared and always having healthy foods with me. With proper preparation I was able to stay on track during my recent business trip to Orlando. Learn how you can make this work on the road!

If you are ready to find out the step-by-step process to my detox, sign up for the next Detox Challenge starting on April 17th. I will be sharing my meal prep technique, my recipes, exercise routine and giving away some of my favorite products!

Detoxing once a month will changed your life!

Sign Up Closes April 12th, 2017.

5 Reasons Why Your Detox is Not Working: And How to Fix it!


Today I will be sharing 5 reasons why your detox is not working and how to fix it. Make sure you read the entire piece because I have a very special surprise for you at the end!

I remember the first time I learned about “detoxing.”

While browsing Instagram, I saw a post promoting a detox tea that promised to help you lose weight, while cleansing your organs of toxins.

My initial reaction was a big DUH! Not so much to the detox part, but more to the weight loss part. If you stop eating for a few days and only drink non-sugary drinks your body by design will begin to shed the pounds.

No surprise there.

However, they don’t tell you that just because you lose weight, doesn’t mean it won’t come back as soon as you start eating, especially if you aren’t eating clean.

But I was very intrigued about the detoxing part. So after doing lots of research, I’ve decided to host my very first IAHFJanuary Detox Challenge. It is free, and you should join me. If you want to know the details, keep reading! But first, let’s begin with the root of all evil, TOXINS.

In 2010 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted the Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, their findings were pretty disturbing.

On average, the CDC’s report found 212 chemicals in people’s blood or urine, 75 of which had never before been measured in the U.S. population. The chemicals included:

  • Acrylamide (formed when foods are baked or fried at high temperatures, and as a byproduct of cigarette smoke)
  • Arsenic, found in many home-building products
    Environmental phenols, including bisphenol A (found in plastics, food packaging, and epoxy resins) and triclosan (used as an antibacterial agent in personal care products such as toothpaste and hand soap)
  • Perfluorochemicals, used in waterproofing, and other protective coatings on clothes, furniture, and household items
  • Phthalates, found in plastic, fragrances, and detergents
    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, used in fire retardants found in consumer products such as mattresses
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, used in combustion products (coal – burning stoves, furnaces, gas water heaters) found in individuals living in urban areas
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), found in paints, air fresheners, cleaning products, cosmetics, upholstery fabrics, carpets, dry-cleaned clothing, wood preservatives, and paint strippers

The entire list of chemicals can burden the human body, and according to the CDC, they can accumulate in your body’s blood, urine, and tissue.

While your body does actually have detoxification organs (your liver and kidney) that can process many of these chemicals and toxins, they can potentially cause medical problems if your liver and kidneys are not functioning properly or are overburdened with a poor diet.”

— Ben Greenfield, Fitness Expert

So why is your Instagram detox not working?

First, we need more evidence to prove that all these Instagram detoxes work, I’ve never tried them so I can’t speak to that. What is clear, is that if you eat better, your organs will perform better, and get rid of toxins faster.

Second, it focuses on temporary changes not long term. Instead of focusing on temporary fixes, you should change your eating habits and add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.

The reason why people love detoxes is the same reason why they hate them. They are quick, short-term fixes. If you are going to nail this whole healthy living thing, you have to stop focusing on quick and begin focusing on long-term changes.

Source: thefader.com

Third, it does not follow the 80/20 rule. Instead of devoting three days to starving yourself, use that time to add more fruits and veggies to your meals. Follow the 80/20 rule. Aim for 80% fruits and vegetables and 20% everything else. You can also use those three days to take something unhealthy out of the equation. Remember, you have to change your lifestyle, the minute you go back to old habits you will see old results.

Fourth, you do not commit. Detoxes are all about commitment. You have to stick to the plan to see the results you want. You cannot expect your detox to work if you are not consistent.

Fifth, you do not have a support system. I know it is very important to have the right support system to succeed, I learned this the hard way after I moved back from Honduras. That’s why you need a tribe to hold you down and keep you pushing. If you are struggling with your detox, grab your friends and do it as a team it will make your detox easier and more fun!

If you need guidance, you should join the IAHF Detox Challenge.

IAHF Detox Challenge

The IAHF Detox Challenge will teach you how to detox your body by eating more foods and vegetables. The challenge’s main focus is to give your body a break from processed foods and foods that aren’t prepared in a healthy way.

You will walk away with a thorough understanding of how certain foods make your body feel and why removing them is strongly beneficial to your health. The goal is to learn how to help our organs detox your bodies by focusing on what you eat.

What’s in it for you?

  • Free Meal Prep Plan for 7 days.
  • Free Recipes for 7 days. Yes, I am talking breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
  • Free 7 Day Exercise Plan. We will cover cardio, strength training and stretches with no equipment needed.
  • Free Access to our closed FB group for support and accountability.
  • Free consultation with Yenory to discuss your health goals.
  • Daily giveaways!

What are the rules?

  • No alcohol: Yes, that includes wine.
  • No rice, pasta or bread: These are processed, and we want to focus on eating foods that are not processed.
  • No sugary drinks: I am talking about soda, juice (unless is freshly squeezed), no teas (unless they are homemade).

What are the dates?

The next challenge starts April 17th!

Ready to join us?

I hope that you go on this journey with me. How do you prepare for the second quarter of the year? Tell me all about it in the comments section. Can’t join us?

Sign Up Now!

Sign up closes April 12th, 2017.