
How to Balance Motherhood and Fitness


Entering mommyhood is like entering the twilight zone for your body. Throw in a toddler and a one-year-old and the words healthy or active for a lot of us mommies disappear. So today, I am sharing some tips on how to strike a balance between motherhood and fitness.

Everyone Moves At Their Own Pace

After the birth of our second child, my Hubby and I decide to focus on living a healthier lifestyle. To us, this involved eating clean and working out on a regular basis. I wasted no time to get my journey started but like any wife would tell you it took a while before my Hubby joined me.

In the beginning, I tried to encourage him to work out with, “a couple that workout together, stays together right?” No! He was not interested. Apparently, my workout sessions weren’t his thing (LOL). While this was tough for me, I quickly realized that he had to find something that worked for him to commit.

In my experience, the most important part of a healthy lifestyle is finding out what works for you. Remember that it might take a few tries before you find your niche.

Everything Ain’t For Everybody!

At first trying to exercise while being a stay at home mom seemed impossible. I was slightly (Okay! overly and borderline crazy) over protective with my oldest and refused to leave him in a gym daycare with all those germs ( I know I am not the only one)!!

One day while I to my usual playtime date with my son, I saw some women with their kiddos in strollers working out. This was the moment that changed my fitness journey as a mom. After getting some information, I attended the first class of Stroller Strides and was hooked!!

I even forced my “mommy boo” to join me, and she loved it as well. It was the best of both worlds; I was able to get a fantastic workout and have my son with me while doing it. Not to mention all the amazing connections I’ve made with other moms in my area. Stroller Strides has been a huge blessing.

Given my naturally competitive nature group exercises are the perfect fit for me. Being with other people helps me push myself harder than I would if I was just at the gym or going for a run alone.

Don’t get me wrong, gyms are excellent, and their daycare facilities are clean and very helpful to parents, but I needed something different.

Once I realized this, I was able to take my workouts to the next level. I finally started seeing changes in my body and more importantly in the way I feel.

Once You find What Works Stick With It!

Now fast forward to 4 years later, I am still an active member of Stroller Strides! I am now in charge of their weekly playgroups which take place at the end of some of our classes. I have formed some amazing friendships, and my son has too!!

I also love that my kids think working out is fun. My son and his friends play “stroller strides” and copy the exercises that they see us do. It’s helping me to create a healthy culture in my home, and hopefully, it will help my children grow up with a desire to be healthy and fit.

I know I am not the only one, how are my fellow mommies staying fit and fabulous? Leave me a comment below and let’s keep the conversation going.