Learn Why FREEdom is Not FREE While Pursuing Healthy Living!


Earlier this month we celebrated Independence Day and I couldn’t help but think about what freedom means to me. My ancestors put in the work and often paid with their lives so that we could have the freedoms we do have today.

They challenged themselves by doing simple things that yielded extraordinary results. I reflect on their great work as I travel on my own journey of transformation wanting freedom. How much work am I willing to do to walk in my freedom? I am still learning that FREEDOM ain’t FREE on this journey.

The Fight

I grew up in the hood in Brooklyn. We moved to the projects when I was 9. The first thing I realized was that you had to fight. People would pick on the new kids to figure out who you were.

If you could fight and hold your own, then you were cool. If not, then you were going to have some problems! So after having 2 fights after school for no real reason, I knew there had to be a better way to survive in the hood.

I was smart. I did well in school. I noticed that I received favorable attention from my peers because of my good grades. People wanted to be my friend because I was the “smart girl!” I quickly learned that I could “work smarter, not harder” to survive AND fit in.

I would keep my head in the books, be social and move forward. This became my modus operandi (M. O.). “Don’t physically challenge yourself. Be smart. Use your knowledge to get ahead.”

The Struggle

Life is not a clear set of problems that can easily be solved using knowledge alone. I’m learning on my journey of transformation that I need my faith AND my work to move forward. But I’ve been so used to “working smarter, not harder” that I’ve become my own worst enemy.

I have struggled with trying to find the right formula for nutrition and exercise that will yield the greatest results. This has caused me to sometimes find the paths of least resistance. I will gravitate towards strategies that I believe that I could easily accomplish versus challenging myself with the unknown.

When I restarted my journey in April 2015, I started with something that I COULD do. I walked. I believe that God used what I COULD do to open the doors for Him to challenge me to do what I COULDN’T.

He wanted me to be successful, not set myself up for failure. I gradually increased my time and distance on my walks. I found beginner’s monthly workouts online. I even started HIIT workouts and included strength training in my routines.


My journey of transformation is not solely focused on losing the pounds. I know that I am being transformed from the inside-out. God has been healing my private pain so that I can walk in freedom. But my freedom isn’t just for me.

I am being set free to also help others to be set free from the weights that have been holding them hostage from walking in their purpose. How much work am I willing to do in order to walk in my freedom?


Nothing worth having comes easy. My freedom isn’t free. I have increased my work. I have even completed 30 day challenges that would have normally intimidated me. I have been amazed at my physical strength and endurance. I never believed that I could accomplish these physical challenges. But my faith has helped me to overcome my fears and increase my work.

I am also looking forward to taking on new challenges, physically, spiritually and mentally. With every new challenge, I am building my faith to believe that

With God ALL things are possible”

~Matthew 19:26

If God can help me to walk in my freedom, He can help you too.

How much WORK are you willing to do in order to walk in your freedom?

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